New Yorker, mates with A listers of tinsletown and fashion world, celebrated author and talented journalist, Derek Blasberg caught up with L’Officiel for a game of Chinese Portrait ‘If you were…..’.  


’O If you were a street in New York?

There is a beautiful street near Washington Square Park, named MacDougal Alley. This is where were the stables when the surrounding houses were still individual houses … Jeff Koons has also turned one of them in the studio. When I’m here, I feel I walk in the old city of New York.


’O If you were a section of the New York Times?

The “Style” of course.


’O If you were a tailor?

Tom Ford makes beautiful costumes.


’O If you were a dresscode?

I will answer this question with a quote from Oscar Wilde: “You can never be overdressed or too educated” .


’O If you were a drink, for a perfect dinner?

Ginger vodka has long been my favorite cocktail. When I was in college, the bar of the city nicknamed “The Blasberg” on his card!


’O An ideal place for an interview?

In purely practical terms, a perfect temperature in studio with good sound volume is the best place for an interview.


’O Three ingredients for a perfect shooting?

It’s nice to work with friends … So I would maybe Mario Testino to take some pictures of Karlie Kloss in the house of my mother, Missouri.


’O If you were a fashion show?

Chanel shows are always memorable: the clothes are not only beautiful, but the decor and atmosphere are so extravagant that they give the impression of a more than a fashion show event.


’O If you were a work of art?

My favorite sculpture “Little Dancer of Fourteen Years” by Edgar Degas, especially one that is at the Art Museum of St. Louis, Missouri, where I grew up.


’O In another life, would you?

I would rather spend time working on myself rather than someone else. But if I could be an animal, I might be a bird. It must be wonderful to be able to fly.


’O If you were to give one last advice “the extremely modern lady”?

Always write a thank you note.




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